Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Amazing guitars!

I found this site with the most amazing custom guitars and basses on it. I recomend checking it out for some details of these breathtaking pieces of work.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happing Thanksgivy

I want to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you had a good one and didn't overdo it too badly, lest ye explode. I believe I will no retire to read some of my favorite puritan, Solomon Kane.

Here is a song of thanks for you to enjoy.

Thank You Pretty Baby- Professor Longhair

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Album Covers: Country Church

No info on this creepy ass cover. Sorry

Rock on you dang crazy f*#%ers!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Shakespeare Insult Kit

Well, back after a brief interlude (which included my 33rd birthday...geez I'm old)

I found this amusing page a few days back. Good stuff. I have to say my favorite combo is "thou lumpish fly-bitten barnacle"

Have fun.

Shakespeare Insult Kit

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Paul Norris R.I.P

Yesterday Paul Norris, creator of Aquaman died. Ever since I was child, he has been my favorite super hero, and thanks to Mr. Norris I have had the pleasure of enjoying these stories. Here is a link to his obituary.

Thanks Paul.